This is a 16 days expedition that crosses the Western Desert to reach the Nile.

Nov 18, 2022 | Dec 23, 2022 | Feb 17, 2022

16 Day Expedition Crossing the Western Desert

This is a 16 days expedition that crosses the Western Desert to reach the Nile again near the beautiful temple of Soleb and following its course all the way back to Khartoum. Along the banks of this mighty river lie many beautiful and unknown archaeological sites like: Kerma (the capital of the Kingdom of Kush), Jebel Barkal, the painted tombs in El Kurru, the pyramids of Nuri and Meroe, the magnificent temples of Mussawarat and Naga. The tour unfolds through different environments: deserts, volcanoes, secret valleys, oasis, pristine villages and the Nile valley. The encounters with local people will be frequent and amazing due to their kindness and hospitality. Overnights in wild camps, private nubian house and hotels.

Multiple Dates to Choose From!

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  • Acropole Hotel
  • Grand Holiday Villa Hotel
  • Corinthia Hotel
  • I.T.C. – Wild Camps
  • Nubian House in Soleb
  • Nubian House in Tombos
  • Merowee Land Resort
  • I.T.C. – Karima Nubian Rest House
  • I.T.C. – Meroe Camp


Khartoum capital area includes 3 major areas: Khartoum, where most of the hotels, the airport and all the city offices are; Omdurman, the old capital, where there is the largest market of the country; Khartoum North, the industrial area. Khartoum is a very safe city. The traffic can be chaotic.

Western Desert

Western Desert is the largest desert in Sudan. It has many interesting features, unknown archaeological ruins, nomads settlements, ancient river beds and some area of sand Dunes.


Kerma was the capital of the first Kingdom of Kush. In this region, the first Sudanese Kingdom “Kush” started off, it was contemporary and independent from the Great Egyptian civilization. During the New Kingdom of Egypt this area became part of the Egyptian Empire, excavations are still going on to find more relevant elements on the history of this region. In the area there are various archaeological sites & nice Nubian villages.

Soleb Area

In this area we can see a number of archaeological sites related to the New Kindgom of Egypt. The temple of Soleb is the best preserved Egyptian Temple we can still find in Sudanese Nubia.

River Nile State

In the River Nile State there are many archaeological sites mainly dated back to the Meroitic Kingdom. Pyramids, temples, nice desert areas and Nile cateracts are the main features of this area.


Napata is the ancient name of the actual Karima. Napata was the capital of the Kingdom of Egypt during the XXV Dynasty, the dynasty of the Black Pharaohs.

Around 780 b.C. King Alara unified upper Nubia. The worship of the God Amon was resurrected, centred in Napata at Jebel Barkal, provoking a renaissance of Egyptian culture in Kush.
The main centre of the Kushite Kingdom was in Napata and the big Temple of Amon at the base of the holy mountains Jebel Barkal was the centre of the worshipping of the god.

The Napatean archaeological sites are listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.

Bayuda Desert

This desert is an area bounded by the loop that the Nile forms between the 4th and the 6th Cataract and characterised by sharp black basalt mountains, most of them volcanic and typically cone-shaped. They alternate with level pebble stretches and large valleys crossed by dry wadis, where little vegetation can be seen. It is very likely to meet isolated groups of Bisharin nomads, who live in familiar groups in small huts made of intertwined branches close to the rare water wells, with their caravans and herds of camels and donkeys.

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